Ramazan Holidays in Muslim Schools

Assalamu Alaikum,

Can anyone enlighten the forum on how Muslim Schools in Sri Lanka started a vacaiton scheme for Ramadan and what are the pros an cons of this scheme?
Should we continue with this?



  1. From: Shaeed Yoonus
    Date: Sun Dec 26, 2010 5:37 am

    It is very much essential to understand the Purpose of the Ramzan in the Light of Quran and Sunnah

    Second to analyze whether the Ramzan Schoold Holiday is more favorable or Unfavorable to full fill its Purpose
    Regardless of 1000's other issues, Key thing of the focus should be the direct and indirect advantage towards fulfilling its purpose nothing else

    Analysis should be done in much more varst and deeply focusing many side of this issue rather thinking just few disadvantage and concluding
    it it bad for the kids

    Those who have schooling experience during Ramazan should see what were the real advantage they had and disadvantage,
    also should lend their ears to those who has experience not schooling during Ramzan

    As per my mind thinks, Think about these things

    Age group of Students who are are in the age of mandatory to fast, how many kid will entertain fast during school and how many will not

    How far a schooling child can involve in ibadath specially Late night prayers
    (mind you we are not here for this world we have different agenda towards afterlife)

    Last 10 days of Itikaf and Its ibadath

    Parent of the child who bring them to school and who take them off to home
    (Parents who involve in ibadtah wont it be a more tireing for them and those who involve in late night prayer their next day work load)

    Mother who prepares food for shar her schedules when kids are going to school
    (Being a female her stamina to involve in ibadath when her 2-3 kids a re going to school, Her daily routine work, her resting time)

    Children are sensitive for their age any ibadth becoming burden will tend them to avoid (Shaitaan runns in our blood stream)
    Eg: There are so many kids who go to school fasting and break fast due to environment and tiredness so many things
    and they could compel to lie if parents are too strict

    Above are few points I would like to share as per my knowledge rest Allah knows the Best



  2. From: naoshaad
    Date: Sun Dec 26, 2010 7:27 am

    A very relevant topic....which needs to be discussed rationally..........
    The question at hand is....
    1. Do we benefit by closing schools during the month of Ramadan????The answer would be in my view, a big NO...reasons have been highlighted by many contributors before me
    2. Should we do away with the holidays totally?????.....again a big NO...as pointed out earlier ,a privilege once withdrawn is lost for ever.We should look at how we can modify this and use it to our benefit...the benefit of our children, whilst preserving our religious identity.
    3. My suggestion would be to;

    * Close schools on the last day of the month of Sha'ban and the first two days of the month of Ramadan.
    * Close schools on the last four days of the month of Ramadan and the first two days of month of Shawwāl

    The working days that fall within these nine days could easily be covered by having school on Saturdays.
    This way we will be fitting into the National calender and also preserving our identity.


  3. From: Rhumyamith
    Date: Sun Dec 26, 2010 9:20 pm

    Dear Team –Muslim Watch,
    Assalaamualaikum. Thanks for your efforts from this forum.Â

    Having read the posts on the relative subject, all of us need to understand that many sacrifices would have been made by our former Leaders in fighting for this exclusive right. It is difficult to fight and obtain a privilege but easy to give it away.  The motive and practice would have been correct at that time.  To have a nap after Ishraq time is a good thing, so that one could muster so that much energy for afternoon and night Ibaadath, by both males and females.  Particularly, most mothers after the morning Sahr chores look forward for this. Individuals may get up in the morning and go to work, but children need adult attention in prepared to school.  If a survey is taken from such mothers, one would find that almost 90% would be agreeable for holidays during fasting. People should look at the larger picture.

    We don’t need to follow other, so called Muslim countries.
    Even during non-fasting days too children watch movies and the tv. It is a matter which the parents should address.  As for non-Muslim teachers, I personally know many such teachers at Zahira College who relish such holidays in fasting.

    If at all, if really necessary, without disturbing the apple cart, one could have classes, say, from 10.00 A.M. to 4.00 P.M. and the lunch break should be made use of for Luhar Prayers. However, this would be from Monday to Thursday, Friday to be made a holiday.  One cannot have the cake and eat it at the same time. Then there would be any need for changing the Government Act for Muslims Schools. Â

    Please think spiritually as Ramadhan is for this purpose.

    Rhumy Amith

  4. From: Abdulla Maroof
    Date: Tue Dec 28, 2010 5:50 am

    salam holy days in ramadan its depend on the person who is going to spend his or her time with holly quraan n all other aamal for a person who wonts to make fully benefit by making load of aamal then for him or her time ill b very short by not having enough time wallahu aalam bissawab

  5. (1) Can anybody specify the advantages and disadvantage in point form due to Muslim School Holidays during Ramazan

    (2) Can any one assure whatever so called disadvantages claim to be due to Muslim School Holiday will not occur during time of Other holidays (Non Muslim School Holidays) in case if we follow Non Muslim School Holidays, (Sleeping till late, Wasting time TV's Loafing at Night)

    (3) Also can any one assure so called advantages claim to be due to Ramzan Holiday will not Reduce because of taking away Ramzan Holiday


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