Jamiah Naleemaih Listed in EU Directory

Jamiah Naleemiah Islamiyyah has been listed in World-wide Directory of Top Academic, Research and Development Higher Education Institutions in the world.

Jamaih Naleemiah Islamiyyah with its Scientific and technical co-operation with Union of Islamic Universities World-over and its co-operation with Leading Internationally recognized Islamic Universities has gained global recognition in the field of Islamic Education.

Naleemiah graduates world-over could easily find their ways to further their post graduate studies in the future without any obstacles.

With governments current moves to open up private universities in Sri Lanka It is heartening to know that the Administration of Jamiah Naleemiah Islamiyyah specially its Director Dr.MAM.Shukry PhD and Deputy Director As-Sheik AC.Agar Mohammad along with other Asst Directors and Deans are very much concerned about reforms that may suit the Modern Higher Educational and Professional standards with necessary safe guards pertaining to Jamiahs own identity vision and mission.

Many friends of mine here and in Arab World complained that those who visited the above World Wide Universities’ Directory page found no official website for Jamiah Naleemiah which is a basic identity requirement for International academic institution.

I hope The Administration of would take up this matter seriously and do the need full to design and launch the official World Wide Web at the earliest for which Rabitha has already assured its fullest support and sponsorship.

Masihudeen Inamullah
Vice President – Rabitha An Naleemiyyeen

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