Misuse of Zakat Collected through Mosques

Zakat is not a mere ritual, but an indispensable competent of Islam which Abubakr (Ral) fought against who rejected it and has been a responsibility of the Islamic State to collect from the right people and distribute it to the right people. In Sri Lanka this is now taken up by some mosques Alhamdulillah. However there seems ample cases of corruption, favoritism , misuse of funds collected in the mosques in the name of Islam. The main reason is even the people who give Zakat seldom question the mosque authorities / trustees of how their Zakat was used and what impact it has made in the people who received it.

It is interesting to note that some mosques who have collected Zakat for 15 years cannot produce 1 beneficiary who has come out of poverty , let alone that he is Zakat payee (I suggest you call and ask few mosques immediately). There is no records of how much Zakat was collected ( the figure varies within the board members) and to whom it was distributed.

Another example is that land is brought through Zakat money to distribute among poor families in a mosque in the hill country. Alhamdulillah its a good decision but until today (after 5 years) the poor are not resettled because non of the poor are willing to stay there as its a remotest part of the village with no access or facilities. on an inside note, the land belong to a close relative of the head of the Zakat committee, who was trying to sell this land for the land 10 years and the Zakat money came as a blessing for him to sell it in a much higher price than he expected!!

There are hundreds of incidents such as these done in the disguise of Islam. it is out duty as this Ummah not only to enjoin what is good BUT ALSO TO FORBID WHAT IS EVIL. Umar (Ral) was questioned by a women in regards to dowry and he changed his opinion and I am sure there are sincere souls among the trustees who will like to be more accountable and transparent to the public about the funds they collect. This is a call to the Silent majority to raise their voice against corruption and ask mosques to be accountable and transparent in collecting and distributing Zakat.

Let me also ask the ulema, intellectuals , activists to device a mechanism to monitor and evaluate the zakat funds of mosques and ensure its not a mere ritual but a dynamic act of worship in a complete way of life ( deen) setting an example other communities as well.

Let me also request if any mosques can claim any success stories to share it with this group please.

Abu Asma


  1. From: mohamed shaham
    Date: Sat Dec 25, 2010 7:09 am
    Subject: Re: Misuse of Zakat collected through mosques

    Its realy a shame feel sorry but whats to be done
    the problem is we have lots of so called religous schollars who preach and dont practice just call themselves moulavis muftis hazaraths and so on i just cant understand from where this titles came from any way they will all have to answer to Allah on the day of judgement that they do not understand or do not want to understand
    as you say if these masjids really distributed the zakat to the people who deserve it there will be very less poor muslims in srilanka
    actually the grand masjid in colombo should request all masjids in the island to give them a report and also the grand masjid in colombo should have audits to check the reports to see if the reports are true then the so called people who collect the money will think well when distributing the money to the needy


  2. From: khaleelur Rahman
    Date: Fri Dec 24, 2010 11:18 am
    Subject: Re: Misuse of Zakat collected through mosques

    These may be a few isolated cases. There are many more success stories even though they would not write and publish. Because they are not writing readers should not come to a conclusion that Zakat Collection is not working.

    We are always very much proactive in blaming and finding faults.Please find solutions to overcome if there are problems. Few readers of this site have become suspicious of these and few other ulterior motivations published in this site

  3. From: "Dr. Mareena Reffai"
    Date: Fri Dec 24, 2010 7:24 am
    Subject: Re: Misuse of Zakat collected through mosques

    waalikum assalam.
    this sort of vague accusation is a dangerous thing. If a aparticualr mosque is doign such thign it si only fair that it is pin pointed. There are certainly some mosques trustees who are beign very honest, very considerate, truly doign good job. When a boalnket statement si made like thsi all are udner ssupicion.
    therefore the writer must point out which mosque is intended.

  4. From: Ashroff Rumi
    Date: Fri Dec 24, 2010 6:35 am
    Subject: Re: Misuse of Zakat collected through mosques

    It may be true. Nevertheless anyone contributing to Zakath fund may send it the ALL CEYLON YMMA CONFERENCE, NO. 63, DEMATAGODA ROAD ( SRI VAJIRAGNANA MAWATHA) COLOMBO 9 SRI LANKA

    Its funds are duly accounted and auditted. At the moment it receives Zakath to a Educational Scholarship Fund. Ask any one who are the beneficiaries. there are ample. There are records. Beneficiaries are all over the country. Similarly Zakath funds may be sent for various other purposes also eg: Self employment projects, housing etc.

    Ashroff Rumi


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