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Influence of Islamic civilization in medicine
The coming of Islam in the sixth century instilled faith and confidence in its followers and gave them a message of brotherhood and a measure of democracy. Within the hundred years of the death of Prophet (PBUH) there spread a Muslim empire from the east coast of Arabian Sea to the east coast of the Atlantic. This developed a culture and civilization which stood as a marvel of the Middle Ages, when the whole world including Europe was plunged into ignorance and held the torch of learning which lighted the world up to 1650.
 Islam is considered the religion of Science and on the fundamental faith, the glory of Islamic science and medicine flourished.
In the ancient world, we do not find science being utilized or learnt in Egypt, China and India but just a little knowledge prevalent in Greece while science was absent in Rome. The Muslims had the scientific spirit of inquiry and they may be considered to be the father of modern science.
The main achievement of medieval Muslim medicine and its influence on the European medicine was in the field of systemization, development of pharmacology, establishment of surgery and ophthalmology and building of hospitals.
The rise of Islam, one of the wonders of the world, brought fundamental changes in faith, philosophy, politics, economics, arts and above all science together with everything that is needed for civilized living.
The wisdom of the people educated in previous traditions when embracing Islam fused their formal learning with the Ouranic philosophy. Their contributions went into the general stream of Islamic thoughts and thus an autonomous Islamic culture and science took shape.
On the basis of this knowledge gained from others they made their own research and made several important discoveries. These scientific activities took place all over the Islamic Empire but above all in Baghdad, the capital of Islam, the eye of Iraq, the seat of the Empire, the Centre of beauty, culture and arts.
The Arabs were great travelers, historians and writers (Al-Beruni, Ibn Batuta, etc.) who contributed to the flow of knowledge in the Islamic World.
The attitude of Europe to the Arabs and Islam was of fear and admiration coupled with acknowledgment of superiority. This was altered with the capture of Toledo in 1085, the conquest of Sicily in 1091 and fall of Jerusalem in 1099. These events brought the Western Europe in contact with Islamic Civilization in Muslim Spain and in Palestine.
Thus began the translation of Arabic science into Latin and on the foundation of which the Europe has developed the modern science. Not merely did Islam share with Western Europe many material product and technological discoveries; not merely did it stimulate Europe internationally but it provoked Europe in forming a new image of itself.
Baron-Carra-de-Bany the writer of legacy of Islam concludes by saying that the Muslims really achieved great things in science .They taught the use of Arabic numerals and thus became famous in arithmetic in everyday life. They made Algebra and exact science and laid the foundation of analytical Geometry plans and spherical Trigonometry, which did not exist among the Greek. In Astronomy they made valuable contribution because they had to know the direction of Makkah. It was in fact in the sphere of mathematics and astronomy that fast advances were made.
They also made a considerable contribution in sea fearing and discovered the telescope and mariners compass.
Jabir-Ibne-Haiyan was the most prominent among the chemists, several names for substances and chemical vessels have come into European languages from Jabir Corpus. The Muslims made a substantial contribution in the field of Botany, Zoology & Mineralogy and the best works were in Botany, Logic and Metaphysics. Imam Gazzali (R) and Ibne-Seena, Ibne-bajja, Musa-Ibne-Maymun took top slots in logic, Metaphysics and Theology.
The Romans for the first time established Military Hospital for the treatment of soldiers but it took a complete shape during Islamic civilization. Hospitals were for the first time established in Europe in13th century. The European hospitals were established imitating Hospitals in Baghdad, Cordova and Damascus. There were about 60 hospitals in 1116 A.D. which started during the regime of Caliph Harun-or-Rashid. The Govt. bore all the expenses of treatment and feeding of the poor patients in thehospital. A fabulous hospital was established in Morocco in 13th century, which towered all of them during that time.
The teaching in the hospital was similar as it is today; Medical examinations for Medical students were conducted during Khalifa Moktadir in the year 931.
The dresses of physicians were identified during the Abbasside regime and Ibnul Amig recommended a dress of the physician as such that it does not make the poor jealous and the rich does not dislike it. He recommended the use of white cloth by physicians, which is in use even today.
Ali Ibne Rabban discussed about Physiology in 9th century. He described that brain, heart and liver are the main organs of the human body and described each in detail. He also thought that stomach, gall bladder, spleen and lungs are also necessary for maintenance of the normal physiology of thebody in addition to brain, heart and liver.
Ali Ibne Abbas in 10th century had written his views on the function of the heart and lungs. Ibne-Seena for the first time in Medical history described the theory of bacteria and virus as the cause of the disease.
He described the presence of bilirubin, albumin and serum in the blood and gave a vivid description about ptyalin, Hcl, enzymes in intestines and their role in the process of digestion of food. Nobody for 200 years after him could add anything in addition to his descriptions
Ibnul Khatib in 14th century again postulated that bacteria and virus present in the atmosphere are the cause of certain disease and cited Plague as an example.
Muslim scientists of Spain made a breakthrough in the development of surgery. Abul Kasim of Cordova wrote a book on Surgery for the first time in the 10th century. Al-Razi also wrote a book in surgery in which he described Neuro-surgery, Hernia, Tumour and E.N.T. He recommended the useof goat’s intestine for stitching at the side of operation. Ali Ibn Abbas also wrote a book on surgery.
Ibne Seena wrote in detail about surgery. Abul Kasim for the first time established surgical treatment on scientific basis. His book was the first illustrated book in surgery.
Muslim physicians for the first time used devices of anesthesia for operation on the patients.
Ibn Seena recommended opium, lettuce seed and belladonna for anesthesia. He described application of cold water for the relief of pain. Arab physicians used to treat fractures by using an ointment and this was used by Abul Mansur in 10th century which was developed into plaster of Paris in 19th century in Europe.
Ibne Seena has given an illustrated description in the treatment of fracture. Al-Razi and Abul Kasim described the treatment of difficult diseases like fracture of pelvis, paraplegia & vertebral dislocation in their book.
Ibne Seena described the difference between tumor and cancer, which has remained unchanged even today. “Al-Razi recommended means for the treatment of cancer. Abul Kasim is known to have operated the cancer in the chest.
The operation by the Arabian physician in the peritoneum has remained unchanged even today. Peptic ulcer and intestinal ulcers were described by Ibne Seena, Al-Razi. Arab scientist in SIRAJ performed colostomy for the first time. Arabian physicians also treated hernia, urinary calculus by operations.
In 2the second century Rufus wrote a book on ophthalmology. In 10th century Ibnul Haisum for the first time proved that we can see the object because light from the object comes to the retina. Ali Abbas abd Ibne Seena wrote books on ophthalmology.
They used the term retina and cataract and also described conjunctivitis, corneal ulcer, glaucoma, leukemia and night blindness.
Muslim physicians also wrote books on Obstetrics and Gynecology. First description of Caesarean Section is found in Shahanam written by Firdousi about the birth of Persian Hero Rustam.
Al Ahnab Bin Kaies was also born by Cesarean Section. During the Islamic period the female doctors used to treat the Gynecological diseases under the supervision of male surgeons. Cervical polyps and cervical atresia were treated by Arab Gynecologist, which was described by Bahaud-Dowla.
There is no description of Obstetric in Greek Medicine. During the Islamic period Moschion Aetius and Paul described about obstetrics. Abul Kasim, Ibne Seena and Al-Jurgani wrote on obstetrics as a special subject.
Women were mostly engaged in obstetrical work.
The daughter and grand daughter of Avenzoar during 1091 to 1162 were engaged in this profession. Abul Kasim described about the surgery of teeth. Arabian physician in Cordova suggested to apply false teeth from the bull after extraction of sick teeth. Mesu the junior, treated caries teeth by gold cap.

Two Rivers do not mix together

Fourteen centuries ago the Holy Quran spoke about two rivers with different taste and quality of water flow together and yet does not mix. This has been a topic of discussions among scholars for long. However The scholars and researchers came to know of their different nature in 20th century. However the Holy Quran has clearly stated this more than 14 centuries ago.

Two rivers that flow in the same direction demarcating their separate flow

Two rivers flowing in the same direction show their sharp difference of shade
Below shown photos are of the two rivers flowing in southern part near Cape Town, South Africa .These two rivers flow together and finally settle down in the Ocean. .Taste of one river is extremely sweet, whereas, the taste of the other river is extremely bitter. The two never mix. There is nothing in between these rivers which stops them from mixing together. However they do not mix together.
Holy Qur’an states;
55:19 He has let free the two bodies of flowing water , meeting together:
55:20 Between them is a Barrier which they do not transgress: 55:22 Out of them come Pearls and Coral:
These are the pictures of the two rivers flowing in the same area but do not mix together.

Prophet Muhammad’s prophesies

* Camels will no longer be used as a means of transport. People will ride on saddles that aren’t saddles (cars?)
* The distance on earth will become short
* Horses will not be used in wars
* Muslims will defeat the Byzantines which will end with the conquest of Constantinople (Istanbul?)
* The Jews will gather again in Bilad Canaan-Palestine
* Very tall buildings will be built
* The disappearance of knowledge and the appearance of ignorance, with much killing
* Adultery will become widespread and the drinking of wine will become common
* The number of men will decrease and the number of women will increase until there are 50 women to be looked after by one man
* Islam will become worn out as clothes are until no one will know what fasting, prayer, charity and rituals are
* Allah will send a disease to fornicators that will have no cure (Aids?)
* People will begin to believe in the stars and reject divine decree of destiny
* Men will pass by people’s graves and say: ‘Would that I was in his place’; (large amount of suicidal deaths?
* The Euphrates (Iraq) will uncover a mountain of gold for which people will fight over (the river of Alfurat that lies near Syria and already United States, Britain and their agents are there)
* Two large groups of people will fight one another and there will be many casualties; they will both be following the same religion (world war 111?)
* Earthquakes will increase, time will pass quickly; afflictions will appear; killing will increase; wealth will increase and women will be wearing clothes but not wearing clothes.

Purpose of life - Goal of human beings

Each of us have our own individual goals for worldly success. It could be to rise up in our chosen careers, or maybe to leave this world with a legacy. Perhaps, it would be something as simple, yet just as every bit crucial, as to have a roof over our heads and enough food in our bellies. Whatever it may be, we all have goals that differ from one another’s; yet there is one goal that many of ‘us share’. It is to achieve Paradise in the Hereafter. Allah clearly states in the Quran in chapter 9, Surah Taubah, verse 72: “Allah hath promised to believers, men and women, Gardens under which rivers flow to dwell therein, and beautiful mansions in Gardens of everlasting bliss.” Allah created human beings with free will and guided them through Messengers and Revelations.

When Allah (S.W.T.) created the world and its belongings, HE had HIS own plan for which HE knows best. We know from the Quran that HE created the world and its belongings in six days. Allah followed this by creating the human being, this was questioned by the angels; again Allah knew what his vision was, and even though the angels could not understand it, they dared not challenge that vision.
Adam was the first human Allah created and HE taught him all the names. When Allah asked the angels to name the things they said they are aware only of what Allah has imparted on them while Adam conveyed them the names. When the angels were told to prostrate, all did except for Iblis, through his arrogance and pride he refused to bow down to one who was made of clay, when he was made of fire.
Allah ordained Adam and his partner to dwell in the garden, Jannat ‘Adn, but they were given clear instruction not to go near the tree. However they were influenced by Shaitan, and acted against the will of Allah. Adam and his partner repented and were pardoned but sent to this world to live as viceroy, with a sole purpose of worshiping Allah and Allah alone, while Iblis too was sent down to be the enemy until the doomsday. Those who are guided have no fear while those who deny Allah’s command and follow the path of Shaitan will be doomed.
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) demonstrated the essentials of achieving goals. The beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) carried out Allah’s mission by explaining the final message and living by it through all phases of his life; so that human beings, who are governed by free will, can follow the right path and be successful. In carrying out the message, the Prophet (PBUH) spent in the beginning of his prophet-hood stressing the importance of the oneness of Allah, and the belief in the unseen and the Hereafter.
The Quran is very clear of the four stages of life that exist for all human beings. The first being the formation of the child in the womb, the second being brought up as an infant, next is growing to the age of full strength and finally being brought back to old age where you know nothing after having known.
The infancy and really old age phase is not as prevalent for obvious reasons. It is during the period of the age of full strength where one is truly immersed in the world around us, and involved in the activities that he/she will be judged on both in this world and the Hereafter. As this world is very temporary the achievements in it are also very superficial even though we can see and measure them. The success in the next world, however, is the true success that we should all try and attain.
This is the purpose of life. Planning and achieving the goals in each phase. In the light of divine direction, one has to strive with great difficulty to be on the right path, as we are not aware of our deeds, livelihood and the final abode. Commencing from the very early stages of our lives, it is mandatory that every one of us follow the commands of Allah and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet, if we are to achieve the best in this world and Hereafter.
As demonstrated by Holy Prophet (PBUH.), nothing is impossible to achieve. As individuals we all have to come to our own decision to follow the divine guidance given to us by Allah. As for youths, parents spend and exorbitant amount of time in guiding them and setting milestones for them to follow; but it is the children who have to put in the hard work to attain these goals. Muslim children must have their schedule drawn around the five daily prayers. This is where the foundation for proper Islamic life is created. If the children give priority to the importance of prayers, everything else will fall into place.
The parents and teachers have to underline the importance of prayers so in time the children will be trained to maintain that schedule. Success of reaching their goals and the schedule they keep will be based on performing the prayers on time. Plan around prayers and perform it sincerely, whatever your prayers may consist of.
Once you have the foundation right adulthood is simple, as you are God conscious and will perform all actions to please Allah and Allah alone. If we live to please others, we cannot avoid failing in this world and the next. This is the bottom line to achieve the best in this world and Hereafter; every action should be pleasing Allah. Once again, to achieve the best in this world and Hereafter is to live by Islam, that is pleasing Allah, which is the main purpose of life.

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