A Genuine Solution for all Communities - Need of the Hour

By Latheef Farook
Once again talks are underway to deal with minority issues which had turned this paradise island, a proud role model for the third world during independence in 1948, into Asia’s worst killing field.

However, despite all destruction and killings, even today, talks are confined to issues facing the Tamils, ignoring the plight of the Muslims, the third largest community living scattered all over the island. This indicates even today the minority issue is not clearly understood.

The defeat of the LTTE has provided a rare chance to solve the ethnic problem in a peaceful, give-and-take and live-and-let-live atmosphere. Such a move will certainly help remove deep-seated suspicion, enmity and bitterness and bring about unity. The ordinary Tamils are not asking what the LTTE had demanded while the Muslims, who suffered immensely due to the ethnic war and shunned violence, are seeking a dignified peaceful solution to their legitimate grievances.

The minorities seek equal rights and equal opportunities to live in dignity and safety. These are legitimate demands in a country where all communities once lived in peace and harmony until communal politics, both in the south and the north raised its ugly head, leading to the pathetic state where we find ourselves in today. One of the obstacles is hard line politics.

Veteran leftist politician and National Languages and Social Integration Minister Vasudeva Nanayakkara in the course of his Bakeer Markar Memorial Lecture last year said:

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